Kulit buah naga adalah sampah hasil pertanian yang memiliki kandungan zat warna alami antosianin lumayan tinggi. Antosianin adalah zat warna yang berperanan memberi warna merah yang mempunyai potensi jadi bahan warna alami untuk pangan serta bisa jadi pilihan alternatif bahan warna sintetis yang lebih aman untuk kesehatan

 Ambil zat warna antosianin dikerjakan dengan sistem ekstraksi. Pelarut yang dipakai ialah aquades. Faktor riset diantaranya varietas buah naga, fokus asam sitrat dalam pelarut, temperatur ekstraksi, serta waktu ekstraksi. Potongan kulit buah naga diekstraksi dengan pelarut aquades serta asam sitrat dengan perbedaan spesifik

pada temperatur ekstraksi 25-800C serta waktu ekstraksi 0,5-3 jam. Riset kandungan antosianin dikerjakan dengan analisis antosianin sistem Glusti serta Wrolstad. Mengenal Ayam Bangkok Terbesar Di Dunia Hasil eksperimen didapat jika varietas buah naga daging merah hasilkan kandungan antosianin paling besar 22,59335 ppm. Disamping itu kandungan antosianin paling besar didapat 

pada macam pelarut aquades:asam sitrat (5:1) 26,4587 ppm, macam pada temperatur kamar hasilkan 21,5028 ppm serta waktu pengadukan 3 jam hasilkan 23,3027 ppm. Bahan warna alami ini sudah diterapkan pada makanan serta ditestingkan pada tikus putih, hasil eksperimen memperlihatkan bahan warna buah naga bisa digunakan selaku bahan warna alami makanan.

Dragon fruit peel is agricultural waste which contains quite high alami pigments of anthocyanins. Anthocyanin is a dye that potentially provides a red alami colorant for food and alternatifely used as synthetic dye which is safe for health. In this study, the process of taking anthocyanin was conducted using extraction metode. The solvent used was distilled water. The variables observed in the research include dragon fruit varieties, the concentration of citric acid in the solvent, extraction temperature, and extraction time. The dragon fruit peel was extracted using solvents of distilled water and citric acid at a certain ratio, at extraction temperature varies

 from 25-80oC with the extraction time varies from 0.5 to 3 hours. The analysis of anthocyanin concentration was conducted by using Glusti and Wrolstad metode. The experimental result shows the red dragon fruit varieties produced the greatest concentration of anthocyanin (22.59335 ppm). Moreover, the result shows the greatest concentration of anthocyanin obtained from the following variations, i.e. the 5:1 solvent ratio of distilled water : 

citric acid produces 26.4587ppm, the extraction at room temperature produced 21.5028 ppm, and the extraction for 3 hours stirring produced 23.3027 ppm. The extracted dragon fruit dye has been applied for food and tested on white mice; the tes result shows the dye can be used as a alami food dye.

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