Imagine that you have low vision and you’re completing an online job application using screen reader software.
Imagine that you have low vision and you're completing an online job application using screen reader software. King88Bet RTP Live You get through half the form and then come to a question with drop-down options the screen reader cannot akses because the online form doesn't conform to accessibility standars. You're stuck. You can't submit the application, and your time has been wasted. King88bet Live Chat Assistive technologies like screen readers go a long way toward closing the jarak between people who are blind or have low vision and their sighted peers. But the technologies often hit roadblocks because the information they are designed to work with - documents, webs and software programs - don't work with them, leaving the information inaccessible. There are 8 million people with blindness or low vision in the U.S. More than 4.23 million of them are working age, but only about half of that working-age population are employed. Employment rates for people with b...